Saturday, October 31, 2015

Story: The New School (Part 2)

The New School
By Tcheser
Part 2

Prior to arriving at St. Glover’s, the girls who were now only to be referred to as Polly, Madge and Clover, had expected to have nice rooms they shared with perhaps one other girl, with an en suite bathroom and cleaning and laundry service, just like they had at their previous schools. Now though, having been welcomed to the school in what they considered the most horrific and demeaning of manners possible, they had understandably low expectations as to what would constitute their accommodations for the possibly indefinite length of their stay. Despite this however, what they found upon reaching their sleeping chamber, was still enough to shock them out of their silence.

“You can’t expect us to stay here!” Polly blurted out.

“It’s like bedlam!” Madge added.

For rather than a cozy room and an en suite bath it appeared that all of the girls who attended St. Glover’s slept in the same room. Row upon row of bunk beds, stacked three high, extended from one end of the long narrow hall to the other. Chamberpots and washbasins were in evidence as were old trunks presumably for the inhabitants meager possessions and upon every window were iron bars. It was positively medieval.

It being nearly time for supper the hall was also rather full of busy girls at the moment. Some were changing their clothes, right out in the open in front of everyone the girls were aghast to see, while others were brushing their hair or darning their well worn uniforms. None of them seemed to take any particular interest in the new trio as they were half marched, half shoved down the central corridor between the beds, they just went about their business hardly giving them a second thought.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Story: The New School (Part 1)

By Tcheser
Part 1

Miss Amelia Greystoke had just turned eighteen when she was told by her uncle and godfather that she would not be returning to her beloved private school that fall, but would instead be attending another school up in Scotland. Naturally she didn't want to go, but he was her uncle and until she was twenty one and inherited her father's title and estate, he was in charge.

On the train trip up to her new school, Amelia met two other girls who were also heading there. The first was a Ms. Meredith Periwinkle, a girl Amelia's age with dark brown hair nearly as long as her own vibrant blonde hair. Her family was in manufacturing down in Leeds and her father had recently married a much younger woman, so she was somewhat glad to get out of the house. The second was a fair skinned girl with curly red hair. Her name was Zoƫ, and although she didn't look it, she was nearly twenty and already married. Though she was well off, her lordly husband unfortunately believed she needed more education. They passed the time telling each other stories about their last school and wondering what their new school was going to be like.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

More Animated Gifs

I have uploaded some more of my animated GIFS which I did years ago as well as a few I went back to recently and finished. There are now 30 in the gallery, which is all it can apparently hold, so I made a second gallery. I thought I might put these on Deviant Art, but apparently they will not accept GIF images.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Story: Lexi's Bad Day

By Tcheser

Despite being barely 5’2”, Mrs. Lexi Travers was hard to ignore, With her comparatively large breasts, cute little button nose, flashy blonde hair, designer clothes, flashy jewelry and sky high heels she drew quite a bit of attention. She was exceedingly spoiled, opinionated, high maintenance and stuck up though, which was odd considering that her father was just a dentist from Yonkers. The fact that she was both selfish and self-righteous didn’t help matters either. Nor did the way she thought that because of her year of studying interior design at a community college before marrying her husband Mark, a successful young lawyer, she was smarter than everyone else when almost the exact opposite was probably true. Behind her back people had a habit of called her “the Princess”.

So naturally when she and Mark moved to the small working class neighborhood of East Garden, and at her insistence, erected a great eyesore of a 6 bedroom, 3 car garage McMansion, she had a hard time fitting in. One might think it was because people like her, with money, could bring gentrification to a neighborhood like East Garden and force current residents to move as real estate prices rose, but that wasn’t it at all. The current residents, all hardworking people and mostly recent immigrants disliked her because she was a spoiled obnoxious bitch.

Lexi particularly alienated the neighborhood women when on the second day of moving into her gaudy palace she went door to door asking if the women would like to be her housekeeper, as if she assumed they were all housekeepers or all so lowly that this would be a step up for them. When she asked her neighbor, Carla, if she wanted to be her housekeeper she was even so insulting as to promise not to call INS to make sure she was legal. This was particularly insulting as Carla had immigrated legally, a long difficult process, and had worked herself up from nothing to being the manager of a local supermarket. Furious Carla called her a number of foul things in both English and Spanish before slamming the door in Lexi’s face.

So when Lexi had her bad day, no one was especially sympathetic with the princess’ plight, and a good many thought she had it coming.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Animated Gifs

GIF: Definition: The Graphics Interchange Format (better known by its acronym GIF /ĖˆdŹ’ÉŖf/ or /ĖˆÉ”ÉŖf/) is a bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe in 1987 and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability.

I made a number of animated GIFs years ago and recently came across them. They feature a variety of transformations and changes. Rather than post them here, I have created a gallery on an image hosting site where can you view or download them. Take a look, but keep in mind I made these more than a decade ago.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

More Comic Strips

I have added a few comic strips that I have been working on to my account at Bitstrips. One is Part 3 of a strip based on a Leamus story called "Rita's Department Store Adventure" and also there is another installment of the game show called "The Big Red Board". Soon I will have additional parts of "To Be Young Again". Take a look. 

My strips can be found here: Tcheser's Comic Strips

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Story: Partcular Woman, Particular Predicament


By Tcheser

The hotel elevator opened to divulge the harried manager, Mr. Withers, two of the security guards and a nearly naked girl which they held firmly between them. Working at the check in desk, I had no idea what the commotion was and couldn’t help but watch with rapt attention as they half dragged half led the girl straight up to my desk.

From her angry red face and the way the guards warily held her, it appeared that the girl had been caught doing something naughty, and judging by the angry red scratches on both the guards faces, she had put up quite a struggle, not that she stood much chance against the two burly security guards. The girl looked to be about 12 or 13 years old, maybe a fraction over five feet tall and skinny as a rail. She couldn’t have weighed more than a hundred pounds sopping wet. Her only clothing was a pale pink t-shirt with frolicking kittens on it which I recognized was from the gift shop. It must have been an extra small because it barely covered her privates and was tight enough for me to see every detail of her mosquito bite like breasts. Her tiny nipples looked hard.

“Mr. Fields,” the manager addressed me as he mopped his brow, “This girl was caught wandering the 8th floor hallway, completely nude, she claims to be the lady who checked into 802 yesterday afternoon. If I recall correctly you were working that shift and most likely checked her in. Do you recognize her?”

I nearly laughed at the very idea, but kept my cool. There was no way however that this short little barefoot girl, with the messy brown pixie haircut, muddy brown eyes, skinny flat-chested body and baby face was the haughty lady I checked into that room. No I remembered that particular lady quite well. She was just a couple inches below my height, had long flowing blonde hair, large shapely breasts, had her makeup done impeccably and wore the finest designer clothes and jewelry money could buy. She also had the most remarkably blue eyes I had ever seen. I didn’t know who this mousy haired little barefoot scamp in the too small pink t-shirt was, but I was certain she wasn’t the lady I had checked into room 802.